Bottled beverages are cost inefficient, inconvenient and unsustainable. We are here to change that. We have launched the most advanced water purification, mineralization and flavoring system. It's able to convert your tap water into great-tasting mineralized water and healthy drinks (infused water or tea). Our mineral blend is made to replicate the taste of fresh water sources in the Alps, and our teas and fruit flavors are made with all-natural ingredients, without added sugars, additives or preservatives. Our system uses reverse osmosis as one of its 3 stages of filtration, has no internal water storage to avoid re-contamination, and is able to produce 1 liter of either mineralized water (hot or not), infused water or tea, in under 4 minutes. It uses liquid concentrates for the minerals and flavors, since liquids mix instantly with water and retain flavor better than powders do. Our system needs no installation and no single use capsules: our machine is plug-and-play, its filters last around 2 years and the mineral and flavor concentrate packs are multi-serving (250 litres of mineralized water per set of minerals, 200 servings of infused water per pack of flavor). Join our journey of positive change.