About Brand - METRO
Metro is a US-based company that focuses on disability and mobility vehicles. We have a factory covering an area of 30,000 square meters in China.

About Mobility Scooter
A mobility scooter is an electric vehicle and mobility aid equivalent or auxiliary to a power wheelchair but configured like a motorscooter. It's a great alternative for seniors who have limited mobility. They helped to mobilize users and gave them a sense of independence and freedom.

We have Travel Mobility Scooters & Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters for different usages.

Please make sure you have a basic understanding of mobility scooters. If you want more comprehensive information, you can read our blog, which has some articles that will help you understand this product better. Check here: https://www.metromobility.com/blogs/news

1. Product Prices Range from $849 - $3699, with HIGH COMMISSIONS.
2. 30-day Cookie
3. Fast Shipping (5-7 working days for delivery)
4. Customer Service Guarantee.
