We are the good vanilla

When it comes to elevating your baking, no other vanilla comes close with its, delicious, addictive, want-some-more flavor.

Some vanilla products take a fairly long and wild ride from bean to bottle. Not Heilala. We are passionate about the entire process. Our team lovingly tend to each vine, hand pollinate each flower, harvest the pods and craft every one of our products.

We're looking to work with affiliates to grow our e-commerce sales. We're looking for foodies who love discovering the next "it" product to help us grow our premium brand. Our product line includes a range of pure vanilla products; Vanilla Beans, Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Paste, Vanilla Powder and Vanilla Sugar.

At Heilala community is everything. The people of the small Pacific Island of Tonga are the lifeblood of our business. They are our partners, colleagues, workmates, family and friends. As a result, Heilala can have a significant impact for good on the health and lives of the children and families of Tonga. We sincerely believe this is further enhanced simply because we are primarily a business of women.

Commission rate 15%
Cookie duration 14 days

What audiences love Heilala Vanilla?
- Bakers - cookies, cakes, brownies, ice cream, desserts
- Chefs, Restaurants, Patisseries and Bakeries
- Wholefood lovers - smoothies, raw slices,
- Conscious consumers who value ethical, sustainable, transparent ingredients