Backbridge is currently offering 20% commissions on the average sale amount of $125.00. Backbridge is very popular amongst men and women 40+ Dr. Todd Sinett is the inventor of the Backbridge and is the author of 4 books about fitness and back pain: 3 Weeks To A Better Back, The Back Pain Relief Diet, Sit-Ups Are Stupid And Crunches Are Crap and The Ultimate Backbridge Stretch Book. As a second-generation Kinesiologist Dr. Sinett has dedicated his career to finding and treating the root causes of back pain, not just treating the symptoms. Dr. Sinett is the owner of Tru Whole Care in Midtown-Manhattan. The Backbridge is a multi-use, safe, soft 5-level back stretching tool patients use to get their back into balance. What makes Backbridge unique from foam rollers, yoga wheels, and other back stretchers? Designed by an established NY-based Kinesiologist and Chiropractor the Backbridge was developed to help patients and home healers with progressive stretching and posture support. Ideal for added support for ALL fitness levels during exercise and yoga programs, the Backbridge is one device with 5 separate levels.