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About Calgee's Sustainable Vegan Omega 3:

Omega 3 is great for our health - but it’s not always great for the planet. Traditional fish oil supplements hurt marine ecosystems through destructive overfishing. Calgee's 100% Plant-Based Omega 3 is derived from algae sustainably harvested in the USA. Our mini softgels are easy to swallow with no fishy aftertaste or burps.

Our 100% Plant-Based Omega-3 is derived from algae in a strict, controlled sustainable environment that is traceable from end to end. You’ll never have to worry about heavy metals, toxins, fillers, ocean-borne contaminants, or whether you’ve swallowed something questionable along with your capsule. Each nutrient-dense tapioca softgel (carrageenan free) contains pure algal oil, which offers a high bioavailability source of DHA & EPA.

To hold ourselves accountable, we became 1% for the Planet Members on Day 1. Join us in reducing our environmental footprint while retaining an ocean’s worth of goodness in our algae-powered Omega-3.

Why promote Vegan Omega-3?

Omega-3 fatty acids have been extensively studied, with over 30,000 studies supporting their benefits in the diet. These essential fatty acids can help fight inflammation, improve eye health, promote brain function, and boost heart health. However, since humans cannot naturally produce Omega 3s, we need to get them from our diet.*

Fatty fish are a great source of Omega 3s, but for vegans and vegetarians, finding alternatives can be a challenge. While nuts contain Omega 3s (ALA), they lack EPA and DHA, which provide many of these amazing health benefits.

Plant Based Omega 3s Are More Popular Than Ever

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